Tuesday 14 October 2008

Here is the cropped image of my friend Emily. With the edited contrast and brightness. 
Here is a screen grab of the photograph after i have played around the the Opacity feature of the brush tool. I'm not sure this is the best way to do this effect, and with more exploration of the Photoshop program i will be able to discover a better way of doing this technique. 

Here are a few screen grabs of my work in progress with one of the other photographs from today.

After using the cut out tool, i put the photograph onto a blank new document, where i then used the fill bucket to pore bright aqua blue into the background.
Using the stroke tool, i selected the figures closely and then the stroke tool created a bigger gap between figure and background. As you can see below.
I then used the saturation tool to reduce the saturation of the figures, to give it this effect.

I really like this effect because it mirrors the same style as the album cover work. 

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