Tuesday 14 October 2008

The beginning of my album art work

During my media lesson today i began to experiment with some photographs, so that i could begin looking into how the Ting Ting's album art work was created. 

 I used my two friends Megan and Emily so stand infront of a white sheeted backdrop, so that i could take some photographs that mirror the same positions of those in the cover art.

Here are a few of the shots i took from today.

After taking these, i started to experiment on photoshop. I first edited the colour, brightness, and contrast. I used the photograph above as my trail photo. I cropped it down, and edited the contrast. After this i used Adobe Photoshop to cut out the figure from the background and made a new photo. 

I filled the background of the photo in block red. Using the layer tool on Photoshop i managed to use the tool "Stroke" to give an even and subtle white outline around the figure.
I then used the saturation took to take all of the colour out of the figure. Once this had been done I used the brush tool to paint some of the hair bright yellow, the same as we see on the album cover.

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