Thursday 25 September 2008

Album Covers

I think its really clever how they have managed to merge the two album covers together.

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Album Artwork Research


For my media studies coursework I am going to create a web page, and a CD cover for a made up band of my own.I have been researching album artwork that I like. Using image search i have been able to gather together all of the album covers that i like. I started searching for the "classic" cover art, like the artwork for Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album. I really like this because its so simple. After looking at some other cover art of Pink Floyd's i moved on to looking at Bon Jovi's cover art. I found the cover for "Lost Highway", which i really liked. I like the way the whole cover is framed by the inside of the car, and the road disappears into the distance. The artist has also used depth of field to focus more on the road in-front of the car, instead of the focus being on the inside of the car. The soft focus of the car interior makes the title of the cover stand out a lot more.

This was my favorite cover art of Bon Jovi's, so after doing some more research on them i found the art work for the Beatles. The work has a really good personality about it. It has a comic edge to it. For example, the cover art for 'Help!" is amusing, because they are grown men, in raincoats that are too big for them, and they are keeping straight faces, while standing in strange positions. 

Also the cover for "A Hard Day's Night" is comic, there are several captions of the band,
 pulling different faces. By being monochrome,  with a large contrast really picks out the facia
l expressions of the faces. 

Album - "1"
Date - 2000

Album - "Past Masters"
Date - 1988

When I was researching the album artwork for The Beatles, I came across the cover art for "Abbey Road", and someone had murged the background with the album work for Oasis's album cover of "(What's the Story?) Morning Glory". Which led me on to having a look at Oasis's cover art.